The Broome County IDA is exploring developing a business park that will bring new technology-based companies to the area; enable existing companies to expand; provide long-term jobs to retain and attract skilled workers; and serve as a hub of collaborative economic activity.
Business parks foster economic growth through job creation and tax revenue. Locating these parks in areas with untapped potential allows local governments to promote economic activity, increase job opportunities; and enhance residents’ quality of life. Requiring robust infrastructure, these parks are the catalyst for improved roads, utilities, and data networks.
Our vision is to build a park using sustainable materials and energy-efficient infrastructure; providing natural buffering and supporting diverse natural ecosystems; space that supports a new generation of workers with walking trails, art installations, and green space. We envision a park that looks non-industrial, attracting advanced technologies and workforce and preserving local talent.
This can be done; it’s happening across the world as communities adapt to new economic realities. We’ve created a dynamic team that includes experts in design, sustainability, and environmental engineering. This team will produce a beautiful park that will attract companies leading today’s advanced technology sector.
The site being considered crosses the Towns of Maine and Union, off Airport Road. We have 420 acres under option or contract and hope to acquire another 100 acres. It's a short drive from the I-81/86 interchange to the BGM airport, currently undergoing a $40 million revitalization. Already home to several companies at the Airport Corporate Center and along Airport Road, this corridor has seen significant County investment to extend water, sewer, and broadband service.
This is also a corridor where people live. We know and respect that. That’s why we will spend a year completing a comprehensive review and due diligence process. Our first step is to distribute surveys to residents and conduct public information sessions to prepare our formal Public Scoping Session for New York’s State Environmental Quality Review (SEQR). We’ll also complete a full Generic Environmental Impact Statement (GEIS).
We want community members’ input on what they’d like to see in the design as well as areas of concern. Community engagement is essential to build trust and common objectives. We can establish a future of promise and prosperity through a mutual respect and the exchange of factual information.
After this comprehensive, collaborative process, we will invite the community to see the design and offer feedback. Involving residents in the planning process ensures concerns are considered and it promotes a sense of community in the park.
Ultimately, a fully permitted, shovel-ready park will allow the IDA to implement a business attraction plan. New business brightens our community’s future by bringing great companies, high-paying jobs, and talented workers to the area; positively impacting housing inventory, education, and not-for-profit organizations.
Building this park is a strategic investment that has potential to drive long-term economic growth, retain youth in the community, attract talent, and position our region at the forefront of global competitiveness. We look forward to working collaboratively.
Stacey Duncan is the Executive Director of The Agency Broome County IDA/LDC and the President & CEO of the Greater Binghamton Chamber of Commerce.
Originally Published in the Binghamton Press & Sun Bulletin here.